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About Rukhanka

Rukhanka is an animation system for Entity Component System (ECS) for Unity Technology Stack. It depends on Unity Entities and Unity Entities Graphics packages.

Design and implementation of Rukhanka follows three principles:

  • Trivial usage and interface
  • Performance in all aspects
  • Functionality and behavior are identical to Unity Mecanim Animation System

Simple Interface

Rukhanka has a very limited set of own user interfaces. It has no complex custom editor windows and configurable options. Everything related to animation functionality is set up using familiar Unity editors. At bake time, Rukhanka converts standard Unity Animators, Animation Clips, and Skinned Mesh Renderers into their internal structures and works with them in runtime.


Everything in Rukhanka is designed with performance in mind. All core systems are ISystem based and Burst compiled. Core animation calculation and state machine processing loops fully benefit from multi-core/multi-processor systems. Rukhanka has two animation computation engines: CPU (based on high performance Burst compiled multithreaded code) and GPU (based on compute shaders).

'Mecanim'-like behaviour

Rukhanka tries to mimic the behavior of the Unity Mecanim Animation System. It tries to do this during state machine processing as well as animation calculation and blending. Some parts of Mecanim have not been implemented yet/made similar by 100% in Rukhanka. Refer to feature summary tables for detailed information on compatibility and support features.

'Netcode for Entities' package Support

Rukhanka supports animation synchronization between server and clients in network games by working with 'Netcode for Entities' ECS library. Animation synchronization can be done by using predicted and interpolated ghosts. Client-only entities can coexist together with network-synchronized ones.