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Working with Netcode

Rukhanka has full Unity Netcode for Entities package support. Network animation synchronization is available for predicted and interpolated ghosts. By default, Rukhanka is a client-only library. This means that it exists only in the client entity world. No data replication from server to clients is performed by the Netcode package. For configuring Rukhanka to be able to synchronize the state of animated entities over the network RUKHANKA_WITH_NETCODE script symbol should be defined in project settings.


After that setup replicated prefab as described in the Netcode package documentation.

Ghost Setup

Both types of ghost modes are supported. For predicted ghosts, there is a prediction version of AnimatorControllerSystem running in Predicted Simulation System Group. For interpolated ghosts animation data received from a server is used as is in animation calculation. Client-only animated entities (entities that do not require synchronization) will work as usual.

There is a special demo made for Rukhanka Netcode features showcase.