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Rukhanka's Package Manager description window has samples tab. Clicking on Import button will add Rukhanka samples in project folder under Assets/Rukhanka Animation System/<version>/. Navigate to the scenes subfolder for individual samples.

Samples Install

Basic Animation

This sample is a result of the Getting Started page of this documentation. The sample scene contains several models that play one animation each.

Bone Attachment

Entities (animated and non-animated) are handled by Rukhanka automatically. No extra special steps are needed. Just place your object as a child of the required bone GameObject. Entity hierarchy will stay intact, but Rukhanka will move corresponding Entities according to animations. This sample shows this functionality.

Animator Parameters

This sample has an animated model with a simple Animator created for it. Parameters that control Animator behavior are controlled by a simple system through UI. Controlling animator parameters from code described in Animator Parameters section of this documentation

BlendTree Showcase

Rukhanka supports all types of blend trees that Unity Mecanim does. This sample shows Direct, 1D, 2D Simple Directional, 2D Freeform Directional, 2D Freeform Cartesian blend tree types. Blend tree blend values can be controlled from in-game UI.

Avatar Mask

Avatar Masks is supported for generic and humanoid animations. The use of this feature is no different than in Unity. Specify Avatar Mask and use it in Unity Animator to mask animation for bones. Rukhanka converts it into internal representation during the baking phase. This sample shows this functionality.

Multiple Blend Layers

Rukhanka has multiple animation layers support. Additive and Override layers with corresponding weights are correctly handled by Rukhanka runtime. In this sample, Animator simulates two layers represented by simple state machines.

User Curves

Custom animation curves are handled the exactly same way as they do in Unity Mecanim. If the animation state machine has a parameter with a name equal to the animation curve name then the value of the calculated curve at a given animation time will be copied into the parameter value. In this sample, there is an animation that has a curve whose name is the same as the animation speed parameter of the Animator state machine. This way animation controls its own speed. User curves are described in more detail in the User Curves section of the documentation.

Root motion

Rukhanka has limited Root Motion support. This sample demonstrates its use case. Root Motion features are described in detail in the corresponding section of documentation.

Animator Override Controller

Unity Animator has a feature called Animtor Override Controller. This feature enables to use of a different set of animations for a given preconfigured Animator. This feature is also supported by Rukhanka. This sample has an Animator Controller and corresponding Animator Override Controller which overrides several animations.

Non-Skinned Mesh Animation

Rukhanka can animate arbitrary Entity hierarchy with user-defined animation. This sample shows this use case. Refer to the Non-skinned Meshes page for a detailed description of this feature.


This sample shows Rukhanka ability to animate a big number of different animated models. A simple prefab spawner system is used to spawn big counts of prebaked animated prefabs.

Stress Test

This sample is basically the same as the Crowd sample but with all skinned mesh models replaced by plain cubes. This step removes the big graphics pipeline pressure of the Crowd scene and keeps only raw Rukhanka animation system performance. This sample scene can be used for checking animation performance limits for tested systems/hardware.

Netcode Demo

Netcode demo is made for showing Rukhanka ability to work with the Unity Netcode for Entities package to achieve client-server animation synchronization in a network game. The RUKHANKA_WITH_NETCODE script symbol should be defined for proper demo functionality.

Three types of objects that can be instantiated on the scene:

  • Local client only. Those prefabs exist only in the client world and therefore not synchronized between client and server. To spawn such objects use the Spawn Local button. Client-only prefabs have a default coloring scheme to distinguish them:

    Client Only Prefabs

  • Interpolated ghosts. They are colored with red-tinted materials:

    Interpolated ghosts

  • Predicted ghosts. They are colored with green-tinted materials:

    Predicted ghosts

Both network synchronized prefab types can be created by pressing the Spawn Networked button:

Spawn Networked

After this demo scene has been started both client and server worlds are created and the client automatically connects to the server. To observe interpolation and prediction behavior it is advised to use PlayMode Tools of the Netcode package. By simulating various packet loss and RTT conditions, differences between ghost modes can be observed in this sample.

To even better experience you can make a build with this scene, run it and then connect with another client instance directly from the editor by modifying the play mode type in PlayMode Tools. Use IP address (localhost) and port 7979:

Netcode PlayMode Tools Client

Using this test environment you can spawn networked prefabs from both of the clients and watch how they are replicated by the server.

Animator State Query

This sample shows the usage of the runtime animator query aspect. Every frame animator queried for its runtime state and transition and received information shown in scene UI.

Humanoid Animations

This sample shows humanoid avatar and animations usage. It has several controls that can be used to alter animation state machines and watch animation changes for sample models.

Simple Physics

Staring from v1.4.0 Rukhanka has an ability to work with unparented (flat) bone hierarchies. This allows to properly attach the Unity.Physics bodies to the Rukhanka skeleton bones. This sample shows described functionality.


Bone entities can drive animated bone placement in animation rig. Ragdoll sample have very simple preconfigured physics ragdoll. When animations are not played for animated entity, physics simulation will drive animated bone positions.

Animation and Animator Events

This sample shows a usage example of animation and animator controller events - the new feature of v1.5.0. A simple system reacts to animation events and spawns indicator particles. In reaction to controller events particle color will be changed.

Inverse Kinematics

Various IK algorithms, that are available in Rukhanka distribution, are presented in this sample.

Animation Culling

This sample shows Rukhanka's ability to skip animation processing for invisible entities. Skinned mesh renderer bounding box recalculation is also presented in this demo.